Stress Management

The Health and Safety Executive define stress as:

“ the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them ”

There are three main reasons for employers to manage stress in the workplace:


The law requires that you assess and control risks in the workplace.  This includes stress.


Staff sickness costs money - reduced output, replacement staff, adverse media coverage, risk of tribunal or litigation.


We want to protect the people that we work with.


Your workforce is the backbone of your organisation, and their well-being is paramount to your success in today’s economic climate.

The implementation of an effective Stress Management Programme can provide the following benefits to both large and small organisations:

  • A reduction in stress-related sickness absence;
  • Improved productivity and profitability;
  • Reduced likelihood of tribunal cases and compensation claims;
  • Improved staff morale and relationships;
  • Compliance with statutory obligations.

Houghton Safety Services Ltd can provide a full range of packages, based on the HSE Management Standards Approach, to help employers manage stress in the workplace.  We offer full Stress Management Programmes along with Stress Awareness for Managers and Well-being Training for employees.

Paula Houghton is our specialist in this field as she holds the CPCAB Diploma in Stress Management.  She is a Member of ISMA (the International Stress Management Association).

ISMA member         

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

There is no need to gamble with your business.

Houghton Safety Services Ltd can help you.