Health and Safety Policies

Relevant Legislation:

The Health and Safety At Work Act etc 1974 Section 2 (3) requires employers with 5 or more employees:

“ to prepare and revise on a regular basis a written Health and Safety Policy together with the necessary Organization and Arrangements to carry it out, and to bring the Statement and any revision of it to the notice of their employees “.


A good health and safety policy helps to ensure that there is a systematic approach to risk assessment and that sufficient resources (in terms of manpower and financial) have been allocated to protect the health, safety and welfare of the workforce.  It can also support quality improvement programmes which are aimed at continual improvement and should reduce financial losses.

Houghton Safety Services Ltd have written and worked with many Health and Safety Policies. We can work with you to either produce or review your Health and Safety Policy and ensure it is suitable and relevant to your business.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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